Chapter 159 - Connor's Vengeance

"Looks like you have an army," the captain said, when a Raina Corps van pulled up, with ten more armed men.

"And here you were sulking by yourself," Harper said, getting out of one of Ryan's vans.

"I thought I told you to go home," Ryan said.

"I did," Harper replied with a smile. Connor smirked.

"Let's go get Vicky back," Connor said.

"What's the plan?" Wyatt asked.

"Easy. Take out anyone who tries to stop us. I want no one standing when we're done," Connor said. His eyes became dark again.

"Connor?" the captain questioned.

"I don't think you want that," Wyatt said, looking at Connor. He was worried, but did not show it.

Connor looked at Wyatt.

"You're right. I want to burn that place to the ground. Let's make sure it's a bunch of ashes when we get out with Vicky," Connor said. He did not wait for anyone else to say anything. He walked to Ryan and nodded his head.