Chapter 166 - Car Trip

"Drive!" Connor tossed his keys to Vicky. Vicky smiled, and walked to the driver's side. He continued, "Don't damage the car. You're paying for it if you do."

Vicky got into the driver seat, smiling. She started the engine, as Connor sighed. She drove off.

"Are we going to my old… new house?" Vicky asked.

"You're the driver, wherever you want to go," Connor said. He started pressing the buttons on the radio. He gave up, when he could not find a radio station that played the songs he liked.

"What do you want to listen to?" Vicky asked.

"Classic rock, metal… anything besides pop," Connor replied. 

"Have you had enough of all the times mom played pop music in the car… I mean that was some terrible music. Modern pop's way better," Vicky said. She smiled and changed the channel to a heavy metal radio station.

"What's this?" Connor asked, looking at Vicky.

"Deathcore," Vicky replied. Connor looked at her.

"What's that?"