Chapter 167 - Old... New Home

Connor looked around the house. He went to the fridge, and opened it. The fridge was empty. Connor sighed. He began opening the cabinets in the kitchen. Connor stared inside a cabinet. He stretched his hand, and took a bottle of pills.

Connor read the label on the bottle, and sighed. He walked up the stairs, to find Vicky.

Vicky was seated on the ground, holding the gun and the bullet in her hand.

"Vicky," Connor said. He rushed towards Vicky, when he saw the gun in her hand. His eyes were wide open.

"It's not what it looks like," Vicky said. She looked at Connor, and saw the bottle of pills in his hand. She sighed.

"Are these the pills you told me about?" Connor asked. He sat beside Vicky.

"Yeah!" Vicky replied.

"Where'd you get that from?" Connor asked, looking at the gun.

"This is the gun that killed Mia," Vick replied. She gave Connor the gun, and showed him the bullet.