Chapter 172 - The Game Is Back Online

"Your friends at Raina Corps are trying to take the game back. I need you to give them a message."

"What message?" Vicky asked.

"I'll get everything back to normal, but they can't try to take the game over from me… they do that, there will be consequences," Cora replied.

"And what if I said no?" Vicky asked.

"You will be stuck here for the rest of your life," Cora replied.

"What about the chip?" Vicky asked, "What do you know about it?"


"Tell me about it," Vicky insisted.

"I'll tell you about the chip, when you bring me good news from Raina Corps," Cora replied. Vicky sighed.

"Why do you need me to help you? Why not anyone else?"

"Do you want me to trap someone else here? With me? They might take some time to get used to things," Cora replied. She smiled and asked, "Are you going to help me… or do I have to trap you here?"

"I'll help you," Vicky replied, as she contemplated it.