Chapter 173 - The Paper From The Stranger

"You should be glad that he's your father. Trust me if you were anyone else he'll probably have you on the ground by now," the captain said, standing beside them to get on the elevator.

"Says the other old man," Vicky said, with a smirk.

"Both these 'old men' can put you in your place very fast," Connor said.

"But they won't… because they love me," Vicky said, with an embarrassed smile, and walked into the elevator. Both Connor and the captain stepped in too.

After a few seconds of silence, the captain asked, "Are you coming for Jess's party tonight?".

"Yeah! Miles visited us yesterday. The girls insisted we come," Connor replied.

"You come," Vicky corrected, looking at Connor. Connor looked back at Vicky.

"They like you too. You have no idea how much Sky talks about you, and asks about you," the captain said.

"Well we'll see when we get there today," Vicky said. The elevator opened, and the captain stepped out.