Chapter 188 - To The Flag

Connor was sniping out the other team players, without allowing them to get near the hut.

"Both teams will be disqualified if neither team gets a point in the next fifteen minutes," Cora's voice said.

"That doesn't sound good," Colton said. He and Kane were inside the hut. They had their guns pointed at the door, ready to shoot anyone that comes through.

"We need to up our game. Connor, don't let anyone come near the hut. Sarah and I will get the flag. We'll need you to cover for us, while we return," the captain said.

"Why don't you just send me out there? You guys can stay here. I'll capture the flag, and bring it back here," Connor said.

"No! You're doing a good job covering the flag. We'll also need you to cover us, while we go out," the captain said.

Connor saw another player through his scope. He shot the player down, and replied, "Roger, the coast seems clear, cap."