Chapter 189 - Disqualified

The player fell to the ground, but before Connor could shoot him, the player kicked the gun away from Connor.

"You're not winning this round," the player said, as he threw a right hook that Connor defended himself against.

Connor countered the player's attack, with his own right hook. The player defended himself too. Connor kicked the player, and pulled out his other pistol, and shot the player in the head. He shot the player again, just to make sure he was dead.

After collecting his other pistol, Connor carried his sniper, and began moving away from the spot he was in.

The captain, and Sarah shot a player, as they entered the hut.

"Three minutes remaining until disqualification," Cora said.

Sarah took the flag, and they rushed out of the hut.

"Green team has been disqualified," Cora said.

Connor sighed in relief, as he watched Sarah and the captain run up the hill towards him.

"We need to go now," the captain said.