Chapter 190 - Sixty Minutes Mark

"Don't drop me," Rachel said, hanging onto Vicky.

"Never!" Vicky said, and continued " Calm down I've got you." Despite her calm demeanor on the outside. She felt herself slip towards the cave.

"Miss Vicky. You can't hold her weight for too long," Eva said.

"I'm not letting her go," Vicky said, grabbing onto the grass on the ground.

Miles ran through the bushes. Jessica turned towards him.

"Help," Jessica said. She did not point a weapon at him. She did not know that it was her father who would come out of the bushes. She was just terrified, and expected anyone to help.

Vicky looked at Miles, to make sure he was a friendly. She did not say anything to him. She just tried to hold herself, without falling into the cave.

Miles looked at Vicky, and then at Jessica. He walked towards them.

"Dad! Help! She'll fall," Jessica said. At that Miles rushed towards Vicky, and held Rachel's hand, helping pull her up.