Chapter 191 - Spilt Blood

Miles began shooting at the NPC charging towards him. The NPC jumped higher than anyone could, and pounced on Miles, dropping him to the ground.

"Miss Vicky, the longer you wait in the game, the stronger the NPCs become. You need to start fighting fair," Eva said.

Vicky ducked under a punch, and stepped back with each blow she defended.

"I don't understand what you're talking about fighting fair," Vicky said.

"So that's how you know what to do. You still have contact with Eva. It shall be severed," the NPC fighting Vicky said. She kept attacking Vicky, who was defending herself as best she could.

Rachel and Jessica stood together, as they attacked two NPCs together. 

Vicky kicked the NPC attacking her. She began attacking the NPC without giving her a break. Blow after blow landed on the NPC's arms, as she defended herself.