Chapter 197 - New Games

"If you kill me, you won't be able to take over the chip," Vicky replied, she smirked and continued, "And you know if you kill the people I care about… my family, you won't get a chance."

"What makes you so sure?" Cora asked. She leaned next to Vicky, and whispered, "Mrs. Mitchell put the chip in you for a reason. I will make sure you fulfill your destiny."

Cora stood up, and walked to Miles. She picked up Vicky's pistol, and shot him in the head.

Vicky looked at him with large eyes. Cora looked at her and smiled. She walked closer to her.

"I am in charge here. I have access to the source code. I can change it anyway I want. That includes keeping you here, and torturing you. But… I can't change my own code," Cora said, dropping the gun to the ground. She turned away from Vicky, and walked away with the NPCs.