Chapter 198 - GO!

"Vicky, my office now," Claire said, walking out of Wyatt's office.

Vicky froze for a moment, and then followed Claire to her office. Claire held the door open for Vicky. She shut the door, and sat on her seat, staring at Vicky.

"What?" Vicky asked.


Vicky sighed, and slumped on the chair in front of Claire's desk.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Claire asked. Vicky looked at her.

"No!" Vicky replied.

"Do you have a reason to think that Shane might have helped Cora into the game?" Claire asked. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Vicky replied. She was about to stand up.

"Did I say you were dismissed?" Claire asked.

"I don't work for you," Vicky replied, standing up, and walking to the door.

"Did you not make a deal with my father?"

Vicky stopped in place, and sighed.

"The deal was about coming here, and helping you. Not working for you," Vicky said, turning to Claire.