Chapter 203 - Uncle Carter

Carter threw a knife next to them, in hopes of helping Connor. Before Connor could reach for it, his opponent caught the knife, and began pressing it towards his face.

Connor pushed the opponent's hand away, but the knife was inches away from his face.

Vicky carried the bat, and walked towards the fighter trying to stab Connor, and hit him with the bat.

The fighter fell to the side, dropping the knife. Vicky kept hitting the fighter.

Connor needed a breather. He sat up, and looked at Vicky. 

Vicky was ruthless. She kept hitting the fighter with the bat.

Connor stood up, and walked to her. He held her hand, when she was about to swing the bat again.

"Stop! Everything is okay," Connor said.

Vicky looked at Carter, and threw the bat to the ground. She sighed Helping Connor, she walked to the exit of the ring.

Ryan rushed to carry Connor's weight off Vicky.