Chapter 204 - Bruises

"What you did today was plain stupid," Vicky said. She was staring in front of her, as she had one hand on the top of the steering wheel, and the other barely holding the bottom of the steering wheel.

"And what you did wasn't?" Connor asked.

"You're alive aren't you?" Vicky asked. Connor sighed.

"You're literally starting to scare me," Connor said.

"How am I scaring you? You're the one running straight into danger without thinking," Vicky said.

"You're starting to turn into me," Connor said.

"So?" Vicky asked.

"I'm not the best role model to follow," Connor replied.

"Every kid wants to be like their parents," Vicky mumbled under her breath. 

Connor heard what she said, and stared at her.

"You can turn into your mom, but please don't turn into me," Connor said. 

Vicky ignored him.

"Since you don't want to visit the hospital, I'll call Sarah," Vicky said. She stopped behind the small traffic block.