Chapter 207 - A Test

Vicky woke up in a large bed. Most of the room was light purple. She looked around, and saw Connor sitting next to the bed.

"Dad! Where are we?" Vicky asked.

"In my room!" a girl said. She was sitting beside the bed, but Vicky did not notice her.

Vicky sighed. She scratched her eyes, and looked at the girl.

"Who are you?" Vicky asked.

"She's your cousin, Ruby," Connor said, looking at Vicky.

"I have a cousin sister?" Vicky asked. She sat up, and looked around in confusion.

"I've got a brother too," Ruby said. She smiled, and got up, to get Vicky some water. After handing Vicky a cup of water, she continued, "I'll let dad know that you woke up."

Ruby walked out of the room. Vicky sighed, and turned to Connor with a pout.


"Why didn't you tell me I had a cousin brother and sister?" Vicky asked. She then continued, without letting him answer, "Did you not know about them either?"