Chapter 208 - New Room

After an exhausting tour around the massive house, Ruby showed Vicky to her room. 

Vicky slumped on the bed. She had the room to herself. The room was painted light blue. It was a large room. 

Instead of checking out her new room, Vicky was trying to figure out the chip. She kept checking all the options available, and she was able to control it with just a thought.

She heard a knock on the door. Vicky sighed, and walked to the door. She opened the door.

"Dad!" Vicky said. She let Connor in and closed the door.

"What happened out there?" Connor asked.

"I don't know. I was able to control the chip without Eva," Vicky replied. She then asked, "Where are we?"

"The less you know the better!"

Vicky sighed, "There you go again… keeping me in the dark."

Connor kept quiet. He looked around Vicky's room.

"You always wanted a large room, a large bed. Now you finally got what you wanted," Connor said. He sat on the bed.