Chapter 209 - Breakfast With The Mitchells

"A lot. I lost count," Ruby replied, before Vicky could complete her question. 

"Go ahead dear, no one here is going to hold it against you," Carter said. 

Vicky looked at him, "Probably about five, six…"

"What? I thought you were Icicle! She's one of the best players in the game, and the way you fight in real life too. How have you not…" Ruby said, and was interrupted by Carter.

"Ruby! She's new to this life, she's still learning. We'll have her up to speed in no time," Carter said.

Connor looked at Carter.

"Or maybe not," Carter replied, noticing Connor's glare.

"Did you know dad's scared of uncle Connor. Uncle Connor is the best fighter. He's the best assassin," Ruby said.

Vicky stared at Connor, who was looking right at her.

"Has he not told you about his past?" Carter asked.

"I don't think I want to know," Vicky replied, staring at her father. She stared down at her plate, and continued eating.