Chapter 211 - One Day Away

The man Carter was talking to nodded. He looked at Connor, and walked out of the kitchen. Connor followed him.

Two other men brought Connor his guns. One of the men injected Vicky with a syringe.

It was night when Connor arrived at the house. Vicky was still passed out. Connor carried her to her room. He left her on the bed, and went to his own room.

Vicky opened her eyes as she heard her room door close. Her eyes were back to normal. She remembered everything that happened. She saw everything, even though she could not stop it.

Vicky switched on her lava lamp, and stared at it. She watched the little blobs rise and fall back down. Without saying a single word, she stared at the lamp, as the events of what happened earlier ran through her mind.

Wyatt kept researching the videos that Shane gave him. He did not want to tell anyone about it, but he decided to call the captain.