Chapter 212 - A Flower At The Door

Connor walked to the stairs. The door was locked. He walked to the elevator, and pressed the button to hail it.

The elevator was already on the ground floor. Connor stepped into the elevator with the captain.

"This doesn't look good," the captain said. Connor nodded. 

The elevator opened on the floor to Wyatt's office. Connor and the captain stepped out. They checked around the empty floor and walked to Wyatt office.

"Wyatt!" Connor said. He checked for a pulse. "He's gone!"

The captain looked around. "Are you sure?"

"Do you wanna check?" Connor asked. 

The captain sighed.

"Was Claire here too?" the captain asked.

"I don't know," Connor said, checking the room. He looked out of the window, and turned around. "Someone's watching us."

"What? How do you know?" the captain asked.