Chapter 215 - Connor's Ring

"I need you to find someone for me, I'll help you with tracking him. But you need to capture him, and bring him to my place in the plaza," Ryan replied.

"Do you have a location for me?" Vicky asked.

"Not yet. Meet me at plaza," Ryan replied.

"Okay!" Vicky replied.

Vicky arrived at the plaza. She walked through the locker. She walked to the main room. Vicky was met by not so welcoming eyes.

"Vicky! What are you doing here?" Carter asked, looking at Vicky.

Vicky looked at Ryan.

"I called her here. I could use her help catching him," Ryan said, walking towards Vicky.

"I am not working with her. She killed my daughter," Carter said. 

Ryan looked at Vicky with a raised eyebrow.

"I…" Vicky said.

"I'm impressed," Ryan said. He patted Vicky on the shoulder.

I am not working with her," Carter said, staring at Vicky. "Get out of here, before I actually kill her."