Chapter 216 - What I Remember

"Those hands don't look tiny to me. They were this tiny when you were born," Connor said. He showed the size with his hands.

Vicky smiled. Connor continued cleaning Vicky's wound. He made sure to be extra gentle.

"What was it like when I was born?" Vicky asked. Connor looked at her for a while, and then smiled.

"That's a story for another day. Go have dinner, and then sleep, okay," Connor said. He got up from the bed, and kissed Vicky on her forehead.

"Okay!" Vicky replied, with a small smile. 

Connor walked out of the room. 

Vicky got up from the bed, and locked her room door. She looked at the ring that Matt gave her. It was similar to Connor's. Vicky stared at the ring, and sighed. She put the necklace inside her t-shirt, and walked out for dinner.

The next morning, Connor woke up. He got ready, and walked out of his room. The captain walked out of his room at the same time.