Chapter 217 - Target Practise

Vicky walked up to Connor, who looked at her.

"I thought I might need to come get you," Connor said. He kept the last bottle on a plank, propped up by crates.

"What's all this?" Vicky asked, pointing at the bottles.

"Target practice."

"I thought you had good aim," Vicky replied.

"Who said I was going to do the shooting?" Connor asked. He walked to Vicky with a silenced handgun.

"This for me?" Vicky asked, looking at the gun.

"Once you can shoot straight, and I know you can handle it… yes," Connor replied.

"When do I get to use your gun?" Vicky asked.

"I'll think about that once you master a normal gun," Connor replied.

"And your guns are not normal?" Vicky asked.

"Just… come," Connor said. He walked away from the plank. 

Vicky followed Connor, and stood a fair distance away from the plank.

"This far enough?" Vicky asked.