Chapter 222 - King Gunther

"My name is Icicle!" Vicky replied.

"Such an unusual name. I am King Gunther the third's advisor, Harold!" the elderly man replied. He then continued, "What brings you here?"

"I came here to meet Queen Agnes," Vicky replied. The guards were more aggressive towards her.

"Queen Agnes has been defeated. Her head lies on the pike in the square," Harold replied.

Vicky did not reply to him.

"Bring her here!" King Gunther ordered.

Harold looked at Vicky. She took her hand off her sword, and followed him to the front.

"What brings you here?" King Gunther asked, as Vicky stood before him.

"She has come to meet Agnes!" Harold replied.

"Agnes is no more. So whatever you wanted to say to her, you should tell me," King Gunther said. He looked at Vicky with an indifferent look. 

"I have nothing to say to you," Vicky said. She turned around to leave. She was met with swords to her throat.