Chapter 223 - We're Not Friends

"Okay!" Vicky replied. She looked at King Gunther. He smirked, and took the knife away from her.

"Take her away!" King Gunther said. He walked back, and sat on his throne.

The soldiers walked Vicky out of the palace. They left her alone, and went back inside.

Cora materialised in front of Vicky.

"Miss Vicky, this game is not similar to the main game. The game's progress gets saved as you log out. Which means you can logout anytime, and come back to the same place," Cora said. She stared straight in front of her.

Vicky moved to the side. Cora's eyes did not move.

"You're a recording. Awesome!" Vicky said, in a monotonous voice. She pulled up the head-up display to logout.

Vicky woke up in the pod. She looked outside. It was dark. Vicky walked out of her room. She looked around. No one was in sight.

She casually walked to the living room, and then on to the kitchen. The lights switched on as she walked, and switched off behind her.