Chapter 225 - A Surprise At Home

Vicky woke up on the cold ground. She cleaned the leaves off her body, and stood up. Her whole body felt sore. She looked at the burnt wood where the fire was. 

After eating a few berries, she continued her walk to the city. 

It was noon when she saw the city in the distance. Once she got back to the road, she got a message from the captain.

"Did you get home safe?" the message from the captain read.

"Yeah! I was really tired after getting home last night, and slept in. Sorry, I should have texted you earlier," Vicky texted back. Her phone buzzed.

"Good! Everyone was worried about you. Just stay safe," the captain texted back.

"I'll be home soon," Vicky mumbled to herself, as she began running towards the city.

It was dark, when Vicky arrived outside her house. She walked to the door, and pushed it open. She closed the door, and looked straight. There was a gun pointed to her head. It was too dark to see who was holding the gun.