Chapter 227 - Our Guest

"Connor! He always had our back, until well he and Ryan got into their little fight, but in the end everything was good. Connor never ratted us out and vice versa," Harper replied.

"What about Carter?" Vicky asked.

"Carter is something else," Harper replied. She drank all the wine in her glass and poured more. "He gets what he wants… one way or the other."

"He wants me dead!" Vicky said. She looked at Harper.

"Does he? I mean think about. Ryan and Carter are working together, and you're here in our house. Tell me that you don't even suspect Carter having to do something with this," Harper said.

Vicky looked at Harper. She did not respond. Harper smiled, and continued eating.

"How did Ryan have this?" Vicky asked, showing the necklace to Harper.

"Maybe Connor got captured by Carter, and Carter killed him. Took the necklace and gave it to Ryan," Harper replied.