Chapter 229 - Last Time You'll Hear My Voice

"What did you do dad? How are you going to fight without your guns? Are you even alive?" Vicky asked herself. She took her phone, and dialled Connor's number. It went straight to voicemail.

"Dad! It's me Vicky! Uhm… I went home, and things were crazy, Matt tried to kill me. Anyways, I found the car and your guns. Just stay safe, and call me when you get this. Please!" Vicky said. She sighed as the voicemail ended.

Connor was in a motel. He hears his phone ring. He walked towards it, and saw the caller. He sighed, and let it go to voicemail. He looked at his phone, as he played Vicky's voicemail.

"Dad! It's me Vicky! Uhm… I went home, and things were crazy, Matt tried to kill me. Anyways, I found the car and your guns. Just stay safe, and call me when you get this. Please!" 

Connor felt the change in Vicky's voice. He sighed. He wanted to call her back, but he decided not to. He saw the news about the fire, and was relieved that she was not in the house.