Chapter 233 - I Stabbed Him Too

"What about you? What are you going to tell Carter?" Vicky asked.

"You got away," Matt said.

"Why are you letting me go?" Vicky asked. She looked at Matt.

Matt was about to say something, when the door opened. Connor pointed his gun at Matt as he walked into the room.

"You were the one that sent me the message?" Connor asked. He looked at Vicky and then at Matt, "Get out of here before I kill you."

Matt looked at Connor, and slowly walked to the door leaving. Connor had his gun pointed at Matt the whole time.

Once Matt left, Vicky leaned on the wall, and Connor rushed towards her. He held her and helped her to the bed.

Vicky sat down on the bed, and looked at the knife sticking out of her stomach.

"Did he do this to you?" Connor asked.

"Yeah! But I stabbed him too," Vicky replied.

Connor nodded and checked her wound.