Chapter 232 - Meeting Jake

"Sorry!" Vicky mumbled under breath.

Connor looked at Vicky, and for once his eyes went soft.

"You don't have to apologise. I'm happy that you look like her," Connor said.

"Sorry, dad! You weren't supposed to hear that," Vicky said. She stared at her hands.

"Hey! I'm glad I heard that. You're beautiful, and you need to know that. Just don't let boys come after you too much," Connor said.

"Dad!" Vicky said. Connor smiled. Vicky continued, "Speaking of beautiful… I need more clothes."


"I've only got two pairs of clothes," Vicky replied. Connor sighed.

"Fine!" Connor said, making a U-turn to get to the mall. Vicky smiled as she stared at the mall.

Connor hid his guns, and his pocket knife, as he got out of the car.

"Dad! Are you sure everything will be okay?" Vicky asked, as she looked at him hiding his weapons.