Chapter 231 - Starving!

"Even after she's gone, you're still scared of mom,?" Vicky asked.

"Darling, your mom would literally break through a whole army just to come punch me in the face because I made her angry," Connor said, sniffling his nose. Vicky chuckled a bit. 

"Dad, I've never seen you cry before," Vicky said, looking at him.

"I would have liked to keep it that way," Connor said. Vicky scooted next to him.

"You know, for years I thought you were over there," Vicky said, pointing to the gravestone, beside Eileen's.

"It's a good thing I'm not, right?" Connor asked.

"Yes, dad," Vicky replied in a soft voice, keeping her head on his shoulder. Connor kissed her head. "It's getting cold!"

"Here, take my jacket," Connor said. He removed his jacket and put it on Vicky. That's when he noticed a patch soaked on Vicky's t-shirt. He touched her t-shirt, and saw blood on his hand. He then sighed, and continued, "Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?"