Chapter 237 - Visiting Sophia

"So why did you ask me to come in such a hurry? Is Carter threatening you or something?" Connor asked.

"Why don't we talk over a drink? You must be thirsty after your long drive from the city!" Sophia said. She walked to the kitchen, and peeked at the living room.

Sophia took her phone out, and texted Carter.

"Connor came with her! Just please don't hurt my family!" Sophia's text read.

"Just do as I told you, and I won't hurt them!" Carter's reply read

She then opened the fridge and took out a bottle of soda. She poured it into two separate glasses. 

Checking on Connor through the small opening to the kitchen she took out a small bottle from her pocket and poured the contents into one of the drinks. She then hid the bottle in her pocket, and took the drink to him.

"Don't you have anything stronger?" Connor asked, taking the drink from Sophia.