Chapter 238 - Murder!

"Aww! Trouble in paradise?" Carter asked, walking towards Sophia.

Theo stared at Sophia without saying anything. Aiden looked confused, until he saw Vicky.

"Vicky!" Aiden said. He got up, and tried to go to her. Carter stretched his hand out, and grabbed him before he could.

"She's in safe hands. Don't worry about her. I'll be more worried about him," Carter said, showing Connor.

"Uncle Connor!" Aiden said, and rushed to Connor's side. He shook Connor. Connor tried to stand up, but gave up eventually.

"What did you do to him?" Aiden asked, turning to Carter.

"It's not what I did," Carter said, looking at Sophia. He then continued, "I have what I came for. You won't see me again!"

Carter walked to Vicky. Vicky opened her eyes, and looked at Carter. Her eyes were white. She kicked Carter away from her.