Chapter 240 - To The Arcade!

"Ugh! You always have important work!" Vicky blurted.

"That's what happens when you become an adult!" Connor replied.

"I'm an adult too!"

"You don't act like one. And I'm here to take care of you, so what do you have to do?" Connor asked.

"I've got a lot of things to do too. Like… like… uh! Playing the game!" Vicky replied.


Vicky sighed. 

Connor finished eating, and asked Vicky to get into the car. He drove her to the arcade.

"Here! This should be enough for a day!" Connor said. He handed Vicky some money.

"Aren't you coming?" Vicky asked.

"No! I told you earlier, I've got some work to take care of!"

Vicky sighed, and opened the car door.

"Wait!" Connor said. He opened the glove box, and gave Vicky a silenced pistol.

"Where am I supposed to put this?" Vicky asked.

Connor sighed. He looked at Vicky, with a concerned look.