Chapter 248 - Vicky?

"You didn't destroy anything now, did you? Your whole family is dead. Your father wants to get away from you…" Claire walked closer to Vicky, she continued, "You destroyed my life. If we didn't recruit you, my dad would still be alive. And Connor used to help us before all this too. Everyone knew he was alive except for you. That says a lot."

Claire looked at Vicky, and walked to the desk. She picked the gun up, and pointed it at Vicky.

"What are you doing?" Vicky asked. She looked at Claire.

"Taking you out!" Claire said. She was about to pull the trigger, when Vicky's eyes turned white. 

Vicky got shot,she looked at Claire, and pulled out her revolver. Vicky pointed the gun at Claire's head, and pulled the trigger. 

The bullet flew towards Claire and pierced the front of her skull. Claire fell to the ground, as blood gushed out of the bullet hole.

Vicky stepped towards Claire and took the gun from her, and shot Claire a second time.