Chapter 249 - A Cage

"Connor! This is not up for debate. It's an order. If you're not going to take her to a cell I will!" the captain said.

Connor looked at him, and walked towards him with a cold stare.

Miles sat up, as he cleaned the blood off his nose.

"Connor! She killed Claire, we'll be next!" Miles said.

"Dad?" Jessica's voice was heard from the corridor.

"You're not the only one with a kid Connor. Think about what would happen if she starts hurting the others here!" the captain said.

"Dad?" Jessica's voice was much louder this time.

"Can you keep her out?" Miles asked, looking at Kane.

Kane nodded and walked out. He shut the door behind him.

Connor sighed. He turned away from the captain. He walked to the wall, and punched the wall. He held his head, as he turned back to the captain.

"Fine! But she's still my daughter. Remember that!" Connor said. He carried Vicky, and was about to leave when he heard a disagreement outside.