Chapter 255 - My Mistakes

"No one's just an IT guy," Vicky said.

"How do you know he's against us? Everyone trusts him!" Sarah said. She stood up, and looked at Vicky.

"I was attacked by him in the game.. or wherever that was. Clara saved me, or else I wouldn't be here!" Vicky replied.

"How can he kill you?" Miles asked.

"My consciousness… I honestly have no idea how this works Miles. All I know is that I want all this to stop. I deserve a break, everything has been crazy!" Vicky said, ending in a muffled voice.

"You'll get the break you wanted, Vicky! You just need to fight Cora for now." Miles turned around to leave.

"Is my dad okay? Did you tell the team about the trap?" Vicky asked.

"Yes! We'll check on them now. Stay here, and don't let Cora take control, okay?" Miles said.

Vicky nodded. Miles walked out of the room. Sarah looked at Vicky, and gave her a head nod, following Miles.

Vicky sighed, as she leaned back on the chair.