Chapter 256 - Caught

"The chip you have. It does not have any security on it. Right now anyone can hack into the chip. I made a firewall for you. It's not as good as Eva's but it'll hold out Claire, and anyone else trying to hack into the chip for a while." Clara replied.

"So you hacked into my chip?" Vicky asked.

"I'd say I borrowed it!" Clara replied. Vicky glared at her. She continued, "Let's go now, before someone sees us!"

Vicky walked behind Clara. Clara stopped in the middle of the whitespace. She tapped the air, and a door appeared.

"How'd you know that was there?" Vicky asked.

"I can see where things are hidden. I can choose to see binary digits. You can't hide things in binary digits," Clara replied. Vicky looked at her without saying anything.

"Let's go!" Vicky said. 

Clara nodded, and opened the door. The two of them walked into the room Eva was held in. Clara walked to the lock on the cage, and began working on opening it.