Chapter 257 - So Many Keys

"Vicky!" Jessica said, looking at Vicky in the cage.

"Jessica! What are you doing down here?" Vicky asked.

"I came searching for you. I searched through the whole basement to find you," Jessica replied.

"I need your help. Get me out of here," Vicky said.

"Why are you in there? Did you kill Claire? Did she try to hurt you?" Jessica asked. She looked at Vicky with a mixture of fear, and concern on her face.

"I need you to help me out. The team is in danger. I need to go to save them," Vicky said.

"The team? My dad's here, but everyone else left," Jessica replied.

"Everyone that left is in danger. We need to get them back, safely," Vicky said.

"How are we going to do that?" Jessica asked.

"You need to get me out!"

Jessica stared at Vicky, hesitating. She looked at the door, and then at the cage.

"Come on, Jess. Why would I lie to you?" Vicky asked.

Jessica glanced at Vicky, and sighed.