Chapter 260 - Prisoners (Part 1)

"It's nothing big, don't worry!" Vicky replied. She tried to look cheerful, but deep down inside she knew she was not going to survive the surgery.

"You look a little…  anxious. Are you okay?" Connor asked.

"Yeah!" Vicky said, faking a smile.

"I know that smile, Vic. What's wrong?" Connor asked.

"Nothing! Everything's fine!" Vicky replied.

Connor looked at her for a while, and then sighed. He leaned back on the wall. 

Vicky looked at him, and saw the anxiety in his eyes.

"Dad! Do you remember that day I got a fever after Leo's match?" Vicky asked.

"Yeah!" Connor replied.

"You and mom took a day off the next day, so that you guys could spend time with me," Vicky chuckled, "But I was sleeping most of the day!"

"You were sick. What else were you supposed to do?" Connor asked. A small smile creeped on the side of his face.