Chapter 261 - Prisoners (Part 2)

"She's really pretty!" Connor said, looking at Vicky. He continued, "She looks just like her mother!"

"It must be tough for you to look at her?" the captain asked.

"No! It makes me happy seeing how much she looks like Eileen. I'd only wish she had Eileen's personality too, instead of mine," Connor said. He looked at Vicky, and pushed her hair off her face again. Connor looked at the captain and asked, "Alice would be proud of the person you've become!"

"I don't know about that. I have no idea where her mother and sister are, so how am I any better than you?" the captain asked.

"No! You didn't choose to leave them. They left you! It's not your fault!" Connor replied.

"Maybe she would have liked Vicky. They might have even become good friends!" the captain said.

"They could have. If I didn't hide Vicky from the team!" Connor said.

The two of them sat in silence once again.