Chapter 262 - School

"Mommy, why does the cereal float?" Vicky asked. She was trying to act normal, despite feeling empty inside.

"That's a long answer, that I don't really think you'll understand!" Eileen replied.

"Will I float in milk too?" Vicky asked.

Connor smiled at her question.

"Do you want to float?" Connor asked.

Vicky nodded, with enthusiasm.

"Yes! Then I could lay in milk the whole day… Would someone eat me then?" Vicky asked.

Connor was holding in his laughter. Eileen glanced at him, with a smile on her face.

"No one's going to eat you honey!" Eileen said.

"But mommy! Someone will think that I'm cereal!" Vicky replied.

Connor had enough. He burst out laughing at Vicky's questions. Leo laughed with him. 

Eileen stared at them. She had a smile, but held her laugh back.

"You don't look like cereal, sweetie. Now hurry up and eat!" Eileen said.

Vicky smiled, and carried on eating.