Chapter 263 - Prisoners (Part 3)

Connor nodded. "Thanks!" He put Vicky's bag in the back seat, and got into the car, driving off.

"I'm sorry, daddy!" Vicky said.

"For what?" Connor asked.

"I shouldn't have said anything! You've told me not to tell anything to anyone," Vicky said. She still had a few tears in her eyes.

"It's okay my little princess!" Connor said, ruffling Vicky's hair. 

Vicky sniffled and took her handkerchief out, cleaning her tears.

Connor glanced at Vicky. His phone began ringing. He answered it.

"Max!" Connor said. He paused for a few minutes, listening to the caller, and then continued, "I'm running a little late. I'll be there, I just might take a while!"

Vicky stared out of the window as Connor kept talking on the phone. Then he hung up.

"Leo and mom's at home. They'll take care of you, okay. Daddy's got to go to work!" Connor said.

"Can I come with you?" Vicky asked.