Chapter 264 - A Life Lesson

"Stop!" Vicky squealed, while wiggling. Soon she began laughing, and was wide awake. 

"Have lunch now?" Eileen asked. 

Vicky pouted. She sat on the bed, with her feet dangling.

"Can I feed her?" Leo asked. Eileen scooped a little food to the spoon, and gave the spoon to Leo. Leo fed Vicky.

After lunch, Vicky walked to her bag, and pulled out a book. She had a piece of paper inside the book.

"Mommy!" Vicky said, when Eileen was about to leave the room.

"Yes, sweetie!" Eileen asked, turning to Vicky. 

Vicky gave Eileen the paper. Eileen smiled, and looked at it.

"Did you draw this?" Eileen asked. Vicky nodded.

"Can you show it to daddy?" Vicky asked.

"Okay, sweetie!" Eileen said. She took the paper and left the room.

Vicky looked at Leo with a broad smile. Leo smiled back at her.

"Can you help me with my homework?" Vicky asked.

"Okay!" Leo said, sitting beside her, on a small table.