Chapter 265 - A Way Out

"The ceiling tiles. It's just kept there…" Vicky stood up, and looked at Connor. She continued, "Give me a boost. There's supposed to be wires going through the ceiling, hopefully the space is large enough for me to crawl through. I should be able to get out, and get the keys to get you guys out."

"Can't we all fit there?" the captain asked.

"We can, but these types of ceilings are not that strong! It'll be too much weight to hold if we all crept through!" Vicky said. She looked at Connor, who was still staring at the ground. "Dad! Are you okay?"

Vicky knelt down beside Connor.

"I'm fine!" Connor stood up, and looked at Vicky. He continued, "You said there'll be wires up there. Will it be safe for you?" 

"It should be either wires or water lines!" Vicky replied.

"Okay! Just stay safe," Connor said. He lifted Vicky up so that she could reach the ceiling. Vicky pushed the tile away, and pulled herself up.