Chapter 266 - Foiled Plans

Clara followed Eva's advice, and punched the ground with all her might. An orange shockwave was emitted from the collision of the gauntlet. The ground cracked.

Clara looked up, and saw the NPCs burst into binary digits. She then looked at Eva who was cracking apart due to the shock wave.

"Eva!" Clara said.

"It's okay! You won't get rid of me that easily!" Eva replied.

Clara looked at Cora. The console behind her was damaged a little, and Cora had a few injuries. She was not as injured as Eva.

"We can't fight this on our own!" Eva said. She continued, "We need Miss Vicky!"

"I have this feeling that something bad is going to happen," Connor said, while they listened to another door.

"Realx, dad! We've got this all under control!" Vicky blurted.

"From my experience with Connor, his gut feelings are always right!" the captain said.