Chapter 274 - Orion

Vicky helped Connor with the dishes. She cleaned them, and placed them in the cupboard.

"Vicky!" Connor said.

"Yeah, dad," Vicky responded. She closed the cupboard, and turned to her father.

"I know we don't talk much about when you know... I left you with Leo, or even after he died," Connor said. He was finding it difficult to bring up the past.

"Just ask what you want to dad!" Vicky replied.

"Why were you working with Leo's friends? You barely talked to Chase when you guys were younger. What changed?" Connor asked. He was standing from across the counter, as he spoke with his daughter.

"I wanted to find who killed Leo. They knew more about the team than I did. I thought they'd help me!" Vicky replied. 

Connor nodded, and turned around. He walked to the living room, and sat on the sofa. Vicky walked after him.