Chapter 275 - To My Safehouse

"No! I own Raina Corps. I own this game! I can go wherever I want, whenever I want!" Orion said. He stood up, and walked in front of Ryan.

"Is this what Raina Corps has gone to now? Do you have any idea who I am? At a snap of my finger, I could make Raina Corps crumble to the ground!" Ryan said.

"Who do you think you are?" Orion asked. He punched Ryan.

Ryan moved back, avoiding Orion's punch. He turned around, and kicked Orion.

Orion got pushed back a bit, he shook his head, and got back into the fight. He took out his gun and pointed it at Ryan.

Ryan kicked the gun out of Orion's hand. He attacked Orion, a punch, then a kick and another punch. 

The fight escalated swiftly, as tables were broken, and stools from the bar were used as weapons.

"You'll lose everything for attacking me!" Orion said. He kicked Ryan and rushed to his gun on the ground.