Chapter 277 - New CEO, New Game

"Do you have a death wish or something?" Matt asked. He glared at Vicky as he continued, "If my dad sees you, he'll kill you!"

"I didn't know this place belonged to Carter!" Vicky replied.

Matt sighed. He moved away from her, and turned away. He walked towards the car Vicky came for.

Vicky walked to Matt, as she coughed, and held her neck.

"You're here for the car aren't you?" Matt asked.

"Yeah!" Vicky replied. Matt looked at Vicky. He looked into her eyes, and then at the features on her face.

"You look like Uncle Connor!" Matt said. He continued, "You even look a little like Ruby!"

Vicky looked at Matt when he brought up his sister's name.

"I'm sorry about her," Vicky said.

"I mean it's fair. We killed your mother, and you killed my sister," Matt said. He turned back to the car.

"Are you going to let me go?" Vicky asked. She looked at Matt who was silently staring at the car.