Chapter 278 - An Intruder

Vicky woke up in the pod. She stepped out of the pod, and walked towards her room door.

"Dad!!?" Vicky asked, as she heard some noise downstairs. She walked down the stairs, and walked towards the kitchen, searching for Connor.

She took the turn to the kitchen, when she was greeted by a cold blade to her neck. Vicky looked at the owner of the blade.

"Matt!" Vicky exclaimed. She looked around the kitchen, and then at Matt. "Where's my dad?"

"I don't know. He wasn't here when I showed up!" Matt said. He took the blade away from Vicky's neck, and walked in front of her.

"What do you want?" Vicky asked. Matt looked at Vicky, and showed his gun hidden on the side of his hip, by moving his jacket aside.

"No questions," Matt said. He looked around the room, and asked, "Where's your room?"

"Upstairs," Vicky replied. She looked around, and then asked, "How did you find me?"