Chapter 285 - An Unknown Caller

"You didn't tell them about her?" the captain asked.

"No! What am I supposed to tell them? That she died because I made a mistake?" Vicky asked. She continued, "That the guy who's responsible for her death is now our friend?"

"Just tell them the truth. They deserve to know what happened to her. They loved her just like you did. They'll understand," the captain said.

Vicky shook her head sideways. 

"No. Rachel will never forgive me. She was mad at me when Mia was in the hospital. What makes you think she'll forgive me when I tell her that her sister died months ago, and I didn't say anything? And it's my fault too," Vicky said. She looked defeated.

"Hey! What's taking you so long?..." Connor asked. He noticed Vicky and continued, "What's wrong?"

Connor looked at the captain, and then at Vicky.

"Rachel sent me a message," Vicky said, handing her phone to Connor. 

Connor read the message. He looked at Vicky with sympathy.