Chapter 289 - The Unknown Caller

The day after Christmas, Vicky and Connor were having breakfast together.

"You've got any plans for today?" Connor asked. He looked at Vicky, who was looking at her food.

"Uhm… nothing much, besides having to log into the game, so that I won't get disqualified," Vicky replied. She continued eating.

"So many rules for the new game," Connor said.

"Hmm… kinda like living with your dad," Vicky said. 

Connor glanced at his plate, and looked back up at Vicky. He had a small smile on his face.

"Is it that bad living with your dad?" Connor asked.

"Yes. He has double standards. He can do whatever he wants, but his daughter can't," Vicky replied. She smiled at her plate, and looked at Connor.

"Hmm… maybe he just wants his daughter to be safe," Connor said.

"There are other ways to keep his daughter safe. And she already lived a couple of years alone," Vicky replied.